We bumped into the Brisbane Powerhouse on Monday the 13th of June and tested the four screens and sound. Seeing the four films as such large screens rather than my mock up version at home changed the experience of the films and I spent the time in between bump in and opening night tweaking and exporting the new versions. One change to one film would impact on the other films so I had to be very careful with any final changes. Furthermore, making a 30 minute dance film is significant but I realised that four x 30 minute films was a huge undertaking. Each new render and export took about 90 minutes which saw a few sleepless nights.
Here’s some photos from bump in.
The Permutations season ran from the 15th of June to the 18th of June 2022 at the Brisbane Powerhouse with four shows per night. The audience was positioned in the centre of the space as the four films unfolded around them making it an immersive experience. I took a few photos throughout the season.